Our private detectives specialize in cheating spouse investigations. We understand how sensitive these investigations are to those involved and it is our goal to provide our clients with answers to the questions that can haunt them. It is not our goal to destroy their marriage. But we strongly believe that everything most come to light. When it comes to cheating spouse or infidelity investigations, our #1 goal is get to the truth. At Revival P.I. we want our client to have peace of mind. In some cases what you think or suspect may not actually be the final conclusion. Allow us to help you, our licensed professional detectives will identify right away if your spouse is not being loyal or faithful to you. We recognize that every case is different and involves it’s own set of unique circumstances. Therefore, our investigative approach also depends on the specific challenges and objectives we are faced with.
Below are possible signs of infidelity.
- You sense something “off”.
- Change in attitude toward spouse.
- Spouse distracted and uninterested in family activities.
- Increased and unexplained spending.
- New found interest in dieting and getting in shape.
- Unexplained hours away.
- “Detours” after work.
- Constantly deleting browsing history.
- Spouse hides text messages and call log on cell phone.
- Cheating spouse does not answer cell phone during working hours.
- Looks for opportunities to be alone.
- Frequent calls and hang ups at the house or cell phone.
- Cheating husband suddenly “checks out” women.
- Changes in sexual behavior.
- Refuses to talk about relationship problems.
At Revival Private Investigations we are experts at finding the TRUTH…
Call us today for a free confidential consultation.